Full Armor Christian Academy is blessed with an experienced, professional staff of educators who embrace the philosophy and principles of Christian education: the total integration of faith and learning. Our teachers are the cornerstone of our family-like learning environment, acting not only as instructors but as mentors and Christian role-models. We believe that the key to a Christian curriculum is the “living curriculum”: dynamic teachers who model Christian thinking and behavior before their students.
Mika Jackson
Latrisha Morris
Finance Director
Lisa Schweng
Director of Admissions
Wyn Billingsley
Administrative Assistant
Kathrine Woolridge
Kindergarten Teacher
Ashley Kesinger
First Grade Teacher
Danielle Caskey
Second Grade Teacher
Lisa Stegall
Third Grade Teacher
Heather Holland
Fourth Grade Teacher
Meredith Wiley
Fifth Grade Teacher
Joanne Bagley
Elementary Art
Leigh Ann Michalek
Elementary Music
Dena Allen
Elementary P.E.
Lindsey Aten
MS Math Teacher
MS Girls Bible
Chris Jones
MS Boys Bible Teacher
MS|HS Athletics
Dr. Matt Pitts
HS Bible Teacher
Greg Estes
MS/HS Athletics
Lauren McCoy
HS English Teacher
Speech | Financial Peace
Beverly Baughman
MS Math Teacher
Suzi Burroughs
MS| HS Science Teacher
Beth Eaton
MS History Teacher
Dan English
MS | HS Band Director
Martha Crane
HS Math Teacher
Yearbook Volunteer
Hatti Alexander
HS History Teacher
MS English
Merry Rodriguez
Spanish II